Class Action Defense
The attorneys at FSM have experience in defending against class actions and multi-district litigation. Our attorneys utilize creative, aggressive and practical litigation strategies. Our experience in defending class actions has provided our attorneys with the foundation to recognize the unique defense challenges posed by class action and multi-district claims. Typically, class action lawsuits involve thousands, if not more, claimants, making the stakes in the outcome often very high, and the costs of defense substantial, if not devastating. We recognize this reality and routinely counsel clients on identifying and avoiding exposure to class action claims. From the outset, we proactively evaluate the potential class size and client exposure. Our attorneys immediately conduct a thorough factual investigation of the claims and backgrounds of the plaintiffs named in the suit, often interviewing potential class members and securing the services of experts necessary to defend against the claims. We also take a very aggressive approach in targeting early discovery and motion practice to avoid class certification, while keeping a watchful eye on potential for early resolution.