Legal Malpractice
Lawyers and law firms often turn to the attorneys at Franke Schultz & Mullen for guidance in protecting their most valuable asset, their reputation. The attorneys at FSM have experience representing individual lawyers and law firms in the defense of legal malpractice matters. The goal of FSM’s legal malpractice lawyers is to represent the best interests of the client in the professional liability matter, understanding that the reputation of the firm and/or attorney being defended is on the line. FSM attorneys have defended lawyers and law firms against legal malpractice claims in matters involving issues such as negligence (including the commission of factual, legal and procedural errors), fraud, conflict of interest, breach of fiduciary duty and other financial issues, and breach of contract. We are experienced at providing skilled representation to our client attorneys while complying with the budgetary, billing and reporting guidelines of their legal malpractice insurance carriers. To consult with FSM regarding your legal malpractice matter, please contact us at our offices in Kansas City.